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Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Life brings challenges and obstacles, but with God there is always hope and we are here to help.


Receive Free Groceries at the Free Market!  Every Wednesday from 11am-2pm, shoppers can choose their own groceries from our warehouse stocked with fresh foods from major grocery stores, the LA Food Bank, and other partners.  Free groceries, full choice, no strings attached.
We also provide prepared meals for those who are unable to cook for themselves or who would appreciate sharing a meal with others.  Lunch and dinner are provided at the HOPE CENTER on Mondays between 12 and 5:30


We believe in the power of prayer.   At each of our weekend and midweek services, the Prayer Ministry Team is available to pray with you about whatever challenge you're facing in life.  We also have an intercessory prayer team that regularly prays for the needs of the church; if you would like them to include your concerns, please  SUBMIT A PRAYER REQUEST. 

Memorial Services

Whether you are planning a service here at Desert Vineyard or are arranging a memorial elsewhere, we are prepared to offer support and assistance.  Please contact us at 661-945-2777 to begin planning a memorial service, or click the link below for more information and helpful resources.


If you are in a season of crisis in your marriage, you are not alone.  Sometimes one or two conversations with a pastor can help bring clarity and support, other times a group or mentoring relationship can help you work through your difficulties together, and then sometimes your relationship will be best helped by the ongoing support of a professional therapist.  We are here to help you choose a path toward healing, to recommend resources, and to pray with you along the way.  Please call for an appointment with one of our pastors at 661-945-2777.


We want to help you prepare for a lifelong marriage, not just your wedding day. If you are engaged or thinking about engagement, our pre-marriage mentoring is designed to help couples share their hopes and fears with one another and discover the joys and difficulties faced in marriage as they prepare for that big commitment. If you are wishing to be married at the Desert Vineyard or by one of our pastors you must complete the pre-marriage process. For more information on this process, contact our Wedding Coordinator at 661-945-2777 or stop by to pick up a brochure with all the details. 

Support & Recovery

God loves us right where we are, in whatever condition we are in, but there is also hope and healing to be found in our community of believers.  For more information  about recovery groups for substance use and sexual integrity, grief support, and a variety of other groups for support, study, and connection, please check out our GROUPS page.


Veterans Information Center is a group for veterans to  enjoy breakfast, good company and gain the resources and help needed to navigate the complexity of VA benefits.  This group is open to all interested California veterans and family members. For more information, call us at 661-945-2777 or just drop by Monday mornings at 9am (except holidays).