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When You Have Lost A Loved One

Please accept our condolences for your loss.  Paul said in his letter to the Romans that one way to put love into action is to, “mourn with those who mourn.” (Romans 12:15)  We hope to be a loving community for you in this time of grief and mourning.


In the early days of your loss, it may be difficult to reach out for support, but when the time comes, we are here for you.  We have a prayer team dedicated to intercessory prayer and you can receive prayer in person following any of our weekend or midweek services.

When you’re ready, connect with understanding people who can come alongside you in this season with hope and support through our GriefShare group or an appointment with a Chaplain or Pastor.

Memorial Services

At the Desert Vineyard we consider it a privilege to help you plan and hold a memorial service for your loved one. For many, memorial services are an important part of the grieving process and a way to gather meaningful people together to honor the passing of someone close to you.  Unlike some other faith traditions, we do not hold fast to particular rituals or liturgies that must be completed in specific way, by specific people, or on a specific timetable. Rather, we view the service as a celebration of life and encourage personal sharing by friends and loved ones as one of the most valuable parts of the service.  Please read on to learn about planning a service or how to honor a loved one without a service.

AT THE DESERT VINEYARD CHURCH:  We provide memorial services for our church family and others as we are able. We understand that the process of planning and coordinating memorial services can be overwhelming.  It is an honor to come alongside you in  that process to ease the pressure and help bring comfort and love in the hardest of times.   Please contact our Memorial Coordinator at 661-945-2777 to begin planning the service for your loved one or click below for more information about services held at the Desert Vineyard. .

If you have lost a loved one and find yourself planning a service elsewhere or are unable to host or attend a service for any reason, we hope you will find the following suggestions, scriptures, prayers and activities helpful as you plan to honor your loved one.